Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time for a review

Ezra has been playing massive amounts of Over the hedge computer game. He is very dedicated and rarely asks for my help. I am glad to see such a commitment and dedication to something. He has also been more and more willing to sound out/read words. It is coming along. I have noticed multiplication creeping into his thoughts. I did introduce it last year so it maybe time to go over it again.

Terje is been coloring A LOT! He used to hate and refuse to color. He found some superhero coloring books and now he is a fiend. He is still enjoying coloring Manga characters. I hope this develops into a desire to learn to draw. He has been practicing letters on his own and with me. I try not to interrupt his letter learning because then he stops. He is also completing rhyming and non rhyming sentences in books we are reading. He signed his name on his Kings Island pass with no trouble! Last year it was a struggle to get 3 letters out of him.

They unloaded the washer/dryer yesterday. I know they can do more chores than i have them do and I believe we will get back to kids helping out more.

Dad took them to the Raptors (birds of prey) show at the library. they were high strung and only slightly interested in the birds. mostly they wanted to be the center of attention.

Also while watching Justice league this week they have been getting more into the plots and characters. They are learning their names, powers, and weaknesses.

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