Sunday, February 26, 2012

NPS Junior Ranger

The workbook gives us a chance to sit, read, and learn together.
It also gives us a chance to explore the parks together.
 The National Park Service has an awesome program called Junior Rangers.  The program is based on a workbook.  The parks create their own program but it usually consists of 6-12 activity pages and attending a ranger led activity.  As a parent, I love the program because it gives the kids a way to be engaged with the history and environment of each park.  The kids take ownership in our great parks when they know about them and how to care for them.  They share in protecting these American treasures.  The kids usually balk at the idea of another workbook.  They get into it after 1 or 2 activities and by the time they turn the completed book into a ranger they are so excited to show of what they learned.  A shiny Jr Ranger badge with the park name is a good incentive too! To be totally honest, I want a shiny badge.  I would make a good park ranger.  On that note, I've heard the program has been around long enough that some of the new rangers participated in the Jr Ranger program as kids. Awesome!

The boys completed the Everglades JR Ranger program and received their badges at the Shark Valley Visitor Center.  This ranger was so enthusiastic and full of knowledge.

If you know me, you know I'm a crier.  So when the boys are getting sworn in as Jr Rangers I listen but I have to look away or I will cry.  It is so sweet to hear them say they will protect, respect, appreciate, continue to learn about, and share the joys of our National Parks. I'm teary eyed just thinking about it. Big Cypress Visitor Center was the next park on our Florida Park tour. Notice I am looking at a brochure to keep from crying.
Biscayne National Park is almost totally underwater.  It was rainy, cold, and choppy seas the day we visited. Boo-Hiss. But we watched several park movies and played with all the touch table items before getting sworn in.  The boys also received a patch saying they completed all 3 Southern Florida Park Jr Ranger programs!

 Gulf Islands National Park is spread over 2 states.  We visited the Florida district. This swearing in was after a great ranger led tour of Fort Barrancas.  The ranger's dad was stationed in Pensacola Navy Station when the ranger was 10.  That was before it was a National Park and before it was restored. He used to play there as a child.  Awesome and informative tour!
In conclusion, if you have the opportunity to participate in Jr Ranger programs, do it! If not (or if you are an adult and you can't earn badges) check out the NPS Web Ranger Program.  WebRangers  A great way to travel the parks from home!


Summer said...

You guys look so tan. I'm glad your boys are getting this awesome experience.

Unknown said...

Oh, Anna. You in that picture trying not to cry...
I'm totally going to be a ranger when I grow up.