Monday, January 23, 2012

Those moments

This trip is about many things; such as spending time together, climbing, doing nothing, and having some awesome experiences.  So far I feel like I want more one time with J and the boys. We have been so busy finding patterns and rhythms in this new life that we haven’t taken much time to just be together.   Here are a few moments of togetherness that resonate:  We were the only visitors a Big Shoal State park in Florida. While James was busy inspecting the engine and cleaning the air filter, I skipped through the pine and oak forest with T.  T told me I looked like a 12 yr old girl skipping.  Skipping has an amazing way of unleashing the child within.  We skipped back to James and Ezra just as a Bald Eagle flew overhead! I believe that was the first wild Bald Eagle I have ever seen.  The camera was in the car but the memory is in my heart.

The next moment of sweet togetherness happened at the car wash.  J and I washed Love Dove.  We joked and laughed as we furiously scrubbed the nasty black streaks off the bus.  It was one of those newly dating moments; fun, carefree, and playful. 

We have been visiting with my Grandparents.  They are very welcoming and excited to have us visit.  Grandpa’s memory isn’t what it used to be so I repeat of lot of things; where we are going, why the clock isn’t working, and where my sisters live.  I don’t mind repeating. I don’t see him often enough to be frustrated by it.  Instead it makes me realize how much I care for him and how much he has cared for me.  It makes me cherish the time I have with him.  Last night J, Grandma, and I were going to bed early, leaving Grandpa in the living room.  While saying good night to Grandpa, I got hooked on watching Betty White’s 90th Birthday Show.  With no contacts or glasses I stood 2 ft from the television; Grandpa joined me.  We stood too close to the tv for ½ hr just watching and laughing together. 

I am happy to be alive. Happy to have my family. Privileged to spend wonderful moments with them.


Pam Blosser said...

So happy to see the fun you are all having. What a once in a lifetime adventure. :)

Pam Blosser said...
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